Grow Tree Trunk Legs in a Month at Home | The Perfect Legs Workout

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You have been training your legs for a while, however, you have reached diminishing results, your legs aren’t growing, and you have no idea why. You have tried everything and used up all the exercises you can find. Moreover, you think that you have bad leg genetics. Maybe that is what is preventing you from growing your legs.

However, this may not be the case. Yes, many people have bad genetics that prevents them from growing their legs, but chances are, in your case, the training and exercises you perform are also playing a role.

I trained at home for the last few years. I noticed that my upper body was growing, but my legs weren’t growing. Even though I was training them consistently. I thought I did everything I could.

And then, last year, the difference in the proportion of my legs and upper body reached a point where I started feeling insecure about it. My legs looked like twigs.

This was a desperate situation, and I knew If I don’t change now, it will only get worse in the future. So, I started looking for solutions everywhere.

Luckily, I stumbled upon videos of Tom Platz, The Quad Father. After going through his teachings, I realized that the problem was both my exercise and training mentality.

First of all, I was performing nothing but squats, and that too with poor form, not even touching my ass to the grass. Second, I wasn’t training hard enough. I thought I was training with maddening intensity, but I wasn’t.

The thing is, being consistent or performing certain reps is just not enough.

In this article, you will learn about various exercises you can perform to grow massive legs (Tree Trunk Legs), even if you have access to weight or not, along with a workout routine you can use on your next leg day:

Man and woman exercising

8 Exercises to Grow Tree Tunk Legs

Don’t underestimate any of these exercises. Most of these exercises are grueling and will keep you sore for weeks. Moreover, before performing each exercise, learn how to do it properly. Performing 10 reps with the proper form is better than performing 100 reps with the wrong form.

1. Squats (The Most Important Exercise)

The squat is a basic leg exercise. I am sure you know about this exercise. Moreover, if you are struggling with growing your legs, chances are you are doing this exercise wrong.

Tom Platz, the Quad Father, insists that the squat is the most complete exercise you can perform to grow your legs. According to him, 15-20 reps with 2-3 plates is better than performing leg press and other flashy exercises that may make you feel good but don’t produce much results.

I never really believed him on this until I changed my squat form and adopted his mindset for training legs. My legs started growing after that.

The thing is, just bodyweight squats alone if performed rightly will add inches to your legs, let alone squat with weight on. The problem is, as mentioned by Tom Platz, Squatting right is hard. That’s why most people don’t do it right.

And if you do it wrong, you may perform a lot of reps but get no real results. However, if you do it right, you don’t need anything else. Here’s a video of Tom Platz on how to squat and the mindset behind it.

Watch it. Chances are to grow your legs this much will be more than sufficient.

I literally performed only squats for the first 2 months and nothing else for growing my legs. I added inches to my legs just with squats.

Moreover, wear weightlifting shoes while performing squats or go barefoot if you are at home, but in any case, don’t use your running shoes. You should consider wearing a weightlifting belt too.

2. Original Hack Squat

You are going to perform hack squats just like George Hackenschmidt performed it. You can go through the video down below to learn how to perform the hack squat properly.

You can also perform it one other way. Rather than holding the weight in your hand, you can hold it on your back. Hold the weight like you hold while performing squats. That’s a much easier way to hold the weight and an easier way to perform the squats.

original hack squat
Credit: Squat University

I have been performing hacksaw squats since last week, and even though I wasn’t putting in much effort, I still felt sore the next day. Moreover, the Hack squat is much more difficult than the simple squat, and you consider starting with light weight only.

The Original Hack Squat will bulletproof your knees, making them less likely to get injured while training, improve muscle definition, and grow your quads and calves at the same time.

If you can perform 20 bodyweight reps in a row, then use weight (no more than 15-20 lbs). Add 5 lbs every time you perform 20 reps in a row with the weight.

You can get the barbell rod from amazon.

3. ATG Split Squat

The Squat is for growing your legs. ATG Split Squat is for maintaining your knee health. Due to bad posture & exercises you performed with poor form for years, your knees are weak.

Now even though you are performing squats with proper form, you still have pain in your knees. To deal with that pain and improve your knee health so that you can increase the weight on the squat rack without any problem, you need to perform ATG split squats.

Moreover, if you have a knee injury or you have poor flexibility such that you can’t perform basic squats with proper form, or you have cracking noise in the knee, your legs feel weak, or you lack balance, everything will be solved by ATG Split Squat.

Here’s a video of Kneeovertoes guy explaining how to do ATG Split Squat:

4. Romanian Deadlift

This exercise is for building your hamstrings. With this barbell exercise, you are developing erector spinae, gluteus maximus, hamstrings, and adductors.

Here’s a video on how to do a Romanian Deadlift:

There are other exercises like Lying Leg Curls, Kettlebell Swings, and Barbell Good Mornings, but this exercise is much easier and will produce better results for beginners.

Moreover, you can use the next exercise on this list to build hamstrings.

5. Nordic Curl

Don’t get afraid from the looks of it. If you train with this exercise properly, this exercise can serve as the most useful bodyweight exercise in your routine.

If you have access to a gym or you have weight at home, you can stick to the big four (Hack Squats, Simple Squats, ATG Split Squat, and Romanian Deadlifts) and still grow your legs. However, if you are training at home or don’t like to use weight, this exercise is for you.

This exercise is for people who are more interested in athletic performance than growing their legs. No doubt this exercise will also add inches to your legs, but this exercise is primarily known for improving athletic performance.

Moreover, you should consider performing Nordic Curls even if you are not interested in bodyweight exercises since performing this exercise will improve your leg definition.

Here’s a video explaining how to do a Nordic Curl as a Beginner:

6. Reverse Nordic Curl

It’s just like the nordic curls, but it targets quads.

The only problem with Nordic curl and Reverse Nordic curl is that you won’t be able to perform it completely from the get-go. You have to kinda build strength and flexibility and that takes time.

But you should keep in mind, learning to perform these two exercises and properly executing only one rep of each exercise will make you a top-tier athlete and grow your legs.

Here’s a video you can use to learn how to perform Reverse Nordic Curl:

7. Calf Raises

This exercise is for building calves. Yes, growing your calf muscle heavily depends on your calves genetics. However, your best bet still is to perform this exercise properly.

This video explains how to perform calf raises properly:

8. Tibialis Raise

This exercise targets the tibialis, as the name suggests. The tibialis anterior muscle is the largest of four muscles in the anterior compartment of the leg.

This muscle is the strongest dorsiflexor of the foot. This video by kneeovertoes guy properly explains how to perform this exercise perfectly:

Workout Routine

If you want to grow your legs, you need to train your legs at least two days per week. Keep in mind, No matter how intense you can get on a single day, it’s not enough. Moreover, prepare yourself mentally before you hit legs since you got only two days, make them worth something.

Man carrying weight on back

Leg Workout Routine 1 (Bodyweight Beginner)

  1. Squat: 4 sets of 30 reps (Take 30-second rest after each set. Moreover, if you aren’t able to perform 30 reps in a row, take 20-second rest and complete the set)
  2. Rest: 2-minute
  3. ATG Split Squat: 4 sets of 5 reps (Take 30-second rest after performing the set from both sides. Moreover, if you aren’t able to perform all the reps in a row, take 20-second rest and complete the set)
  4. Rest: 2-minute
  5. Calves Raise: 4 sets of 20 reps (Take 30-second rest after each set)
  6. Rest: 2-minute
  7. Tibialis Raise: 4 sets of 15 reps (Take 30-second rest after each set)
  8. Rest: 2-minute
  9. Hacksaw Squat: 4 sets of 10 reps (Take 30-second rest after each set. Moreover, if you aren’t able to perform 10 reps in a row, take 20-second rest and complete the set)

Leg Workout Routine 2 (Bodyweight Advanced)

  • Squat: 5 sets of 50 reps (Take 50-second rest after each set. Moreover, if you aren’t able to perform 50 reps in a row, take 10-second rest and complete the set)
  • Rest: 2-minute
  • ATG Split Squat: 4 sets of 15 reps (Take 30-second rest after performing the set from both sides. Moreover, if you aren’t able to perform 15 reps in a row, take 10-second rest and complete the set)
  • Rest: 2-minute
  • Calves Raise: 3 sets of 50 reps (Take 30-second rest after each set)
  • Rest: 2-minute
  • Tibialis Raise: 3 sets of 25 reps (Take 30-second rest after each set)
  • Rest: 2-minute
  • Hacksaw Squat: 3 sets of 20 reps (Take 30-second rest after each set. Moreover, if you aren’t able to perform 20 reps in a row, take 20-second rest and complete the set)
  • Rest: 2-minute
  • Nordic Curl: 3 sets of 10 reps (At the beginning, you will not be able to perform nordic curls properly, you will be able to perform a half rep or a demo rep that doesn’t involve a full range of motion. Perform it for suitable reps and if you can’t reach 10 reps in a row, rest for 10-second and try again)
  • Reverse Nordic Curl: 3 sets of 10 reps (Just like nordic curl, perform a rep with the range of motion you are comfortable with and take 10-second rest if you aren’t able to complete the set)

Leg Workout Routine 3 (Weighted)

  • Squat: 10 sets of 15 reps (Use weight 50% of one rep max. if you are unable to complete a set, take 20-second rest and try again. You can take as much rest as you want between the sets.)
  • Rest: 2-minute
  • ATG Split Squat: 5 sets of 5 reps (Start with 20% of your body weight. if you are unable to complete a set, take 20-second rest. You can take as much rest as you want between the sets.)
  • Rest: 2-minute
  • Calves Raise: 3 sets of 30 reps (Start with 20% of your body weight. Take 30-second rest after each set)
  • Rest: 2-minute
  • Tibialis Raise: 3 sets of 30 reps (Take 30-second rest after each set)
  • Rest: 2-minute
  • Hacksaw Squat: 3 sets of 20 reps (Start with 10% of your body weight. You can take as much rest as you want between the sets.)
  • Rest: 2-minute
  • Romanian Deadlift: 3 sets of 20 reps (Start with 30% of your body weight. You can take as much rest as you want between the sets.)

Don’t forget to wear lifting shoes and weight lifting belt while performing the exercise.

Moreover, make sure you are consuming enough protein (Check out Raw Organic Protein Vanilla Powder from Garden of Life and BlackWolf Pre-Workout) and If your growth is affected due to low testosterone, check out Testogen (Natural Testosterone Booster).


Most of these exercises are simple and effective. Adding them to your workout routine will grow your legs. Moreover, don’t add unnecessary exercises to your routine.

Performing five different exercises for the same muscle group is not going to grow your muscles. Performing one or two exercises for a muscle group but doing it to absolute failure is what is going to result in growth.

Keep your leg workout simple so that you can stick to it and perform it with the highest intensity.

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Hi, I am Rudra, a computer engineer, and a certified procrastinator. I started FitnessGained in 2018 to help me stay fit despite all my desk time. Now I run this blog as a hobby. Here at FitnessGained, I will share what I do to stay fit & more. Our motto is "Reaching True Potential with Effort."

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