8 Tasty Foods to Lose 8 Pounds This Month!

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There is nothing better than tasty food that you can consume wholeheartedly without regretting later. When you eat something knowing that eating it will help you in losing weight and it tastes good, It’s a different experience altogether.

However, you won’t find many foods that will help you in losing weight and taste good. That’s why I have created a list of ten such foods. These foods are rich in fiber, protein, healthy fats, and micronutrients. Nibble on them throughout the day, and you will feel satiated.

One of the reasons why you aren’t able to lose weight is your appetite. How can you lose weight when you feel hungry all the time. But since these foods are rich in fiber and protein and are low in calories, these foods will keep you full without adding unnecessary calories.

Without further delay, here are 8 tasty foods to lose 8 pounds:


1. Avocados

Avocados are rich in fiber to a point that half of an average-sized avocado contains around 5 gm of fiber. If you ask me, that’s a good enough reason to consume avocados daily. 

Avocados have more potassium than a banana and contain vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin E, magnesium, folate, niacin, riboflavin, omega-3 fatty acids, lutein, etc.

Moreover, avocados are the perfect weight-loss food. They are rich in fiber, protein, healthy fats, etc. A study conducted by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign found that consuming avocado daily may help redistribute belly fat in women toward a healthier profile.

Avocados (100 gm): 160 calories, 15 gm fats, 2 gm protein, 9 gm carbs

2. Eggs

Eggs are one of the most nutritious foods on the planet and are regarded as a ‘complete’ source of protein as they contain all the essential amino acids.

Moreover, eggs are low in calories and contain nutrients like vitamin D, vitamin B12, mineral iodine, etc which are hard to obtain from the diet.

Eggs also contain vitamin B2, vitamin B5, vitamin A, phosphorous, selenium, etc. Moreover, eggs are incredibly filling due to their high protein content and nutrient-dense profile.

A 2013 study on the effect of three types of breakfast on satiety levels suggests that compared with cereal with milk and croissant and orange juice, eggs on toast cause significantly higher satiety, less hunger, and lowers the desire to eat in subsequent meals. 

Eggs (50 gm): 78 calories, 5 gm fats, 6 gm protein, 0.6 gm carbs


3. Apples

Apples are less dense than water (25% of their volume is air), and even then, they are considered nutrient-dense fruits. An apple contains fiber, potassium, vitamin C, magnesium, copper, and polyphenols (a type of antioxidant). Due to their fiber and water content, apples are also incredibly filling.

In one study, 49 women were given three apples, three oat cookies, or three pears to add to their usual diet daily. After 10 weeks, the apple group lost 2 lbs, the oat group’s weight did not change, and the pear group lost 1.6 lbs. 

Apples (100 gm): 52 calories, 0.2 gm fats, 0.3 gm protein, 14 gm carbs

4. Chia Seeds

Often referred to as a superfood, Chia seeds are rich in fiber, protein (contain complete protein,  all nine essential amino acids that cannot be made by the body), calcium, zinc, phosphorous, omega-3 fatty acids, selenium, etc.

Moreover, just two tablespoons of chia seeds have almost 10 gm of fiber, making them one of the best sources of fiber. Chia seeds assist in lowering blood pressure, improving cholesterol levels, reducing inflammation, and in weight loss by increasing satiety, etc.

Chia Seeds(28 gm): 138 calories, 8.7 gm fats, 4.7 gm protein, 9.8 gm carbs


5. Salmon

Depending upon whether its farmed or wild salmon, its nutrient content can vary. However, in any case, salmon is one of the most nutritious foods on the planet.

Salmon is rich in protein and contains omega-3 fatty acid, vitamin B12, vitamin B6, niacin, thiamine, phosphorous, selenium, pantothenic acid, riboflavin, potassium, etc. Moreover, salmon is low in calories and high in protein, making it one of the best foods for weight loss.

Farmed Salmon (100 gm): 206 calories, 12 gm fats, 22 gm protein, 0 g carbs

6. Tuna

Just like salmon, tuna fish is a high-protein food. Moreover, it’s an excellent source of vitamin B12 and contains vitamin B6, selenium, potassium, iodine, iron. etc.

Due to its high protein content, tuna is also ideal for weight loss. However, It’s also high in mercury compared to other fishes. So, you should consider consuming tuna in moderation.

Tuna (100 gm): 132 calories, 1.3 gm fats, 28 gm protein, 0 gm carbs


7. Raspberries

There are over 200 species of raspberries, and each has its unique color, texture, and flavor. Raspberries are also extremely nutritious, containing iron, magnesium, calcium, zinc, phosphorous, potassium, manganese, copper, vitamin C, selenium, folate, vitamin E, vitamin K, beta carotene, alpha-carotene, etc.

Raspberries are also full of fiber making them ideal for weight loss.

Raspberries (100 gm): 53 calories, 0.7 gm fats, 1.2 gm protein, 12 gm carbs

8. Banana

Unless you are on keto, a banana can help you lose weight. Bananas are rich in potassium, vitamin B6, magnesium, copper, vitamin C, manganese, and fiber.

Yes, bananas are high in carbs. But if you consume them as part of a balanced diet, they will help you maintain your weight.

Moreover, unripe green bananas are high in resistant starch. Resistant starch can assist in slowing down the absorption of sugar from foods which keeps blood sugar levels stable. Hence, helping you in feeling full.

Bananas (100 gm): 89 calories, 0.3 gm fats, 1.1 gm protein, 23 gm carbs

If you aren’t following any diet plan, add these foods to your current diet along with a workout routine to lose as much as 8 lbs. If you are thinking of trying a diet, try intermittent fasting or the keto diet to lose weight.

In (16:8) Intermittent fasting, you need to fast daily for 16 hours and consume meals only during the 8-hour eating window. Here’s an intermittent fasting meal plan you can try.

In the keto diet, You need to divide your calories in such a way that you consume 5-10% calories from carbs, 20-30% calories from protein, and 60-70% calories from fat. You can use the cronometer app to track your nutrition, calories, etc.

Here’s an article on How to start a keto diet and a custom keto diet meal plan you can try.


Keep in my mind, if you desire to lose weight, all you have to do is eat healthy organic food and exercise. You don’t even have to go to a gym. Just make sure that you jog every day first thing in the morning. If you don’t feel comfortable jogging, try walking for 30 minutes.

If you are unable to stick to your routine or plan due to procrastination, try meditation. Yes, meditation seems overrated. However, if you meditate correctly and get it to work for you, You will become good at handling your own negative habits.

I am not saying your negative habits will be fixed magically. Rather, you will become mentally tough enough to put your plans ahead of your feelings, and this way, you will get things done.

Here’s an article on mediation you can use to learn how to meditate.

If your back is against the wall, try the meditation technique I use mentioned in the article (That technique requires effort, but if you practice it consistently, no more than 15 minutes daily, within a week, you will get better at handling your bad habits).

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Hi, I am Rudra, a computer engineer, and a certified procrastinator. I started FitnessGained in 2018 to help me stay fit despite all my desk time. Now I run this blog as a hobby. Here at FitnessGained, I will share what I do to stay fit & more. Our motto is "Reaching True Potential with Effort."

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